Ragıp Duran, Can Dündar, Bilge Eser, Tuluhan Tekelioğlu, Melih Bayram Dede, Özgür Gürbüz, Yaprak Aras Şahinbaş ve bendeniz gibi gazetecilerle yapılan görüşmelere de referans veren ve International Symposium of Online Journalism kapsamında Teksas Üniversitesi bünyesinde yayınlanan bir makale...
Pinar Gurleyen- PhD. Student in Simon Fraser University -Canada
Perrin Ogun Emre, PhD. Candidate,Marmara University, -Turkey also Lecturer in Kadir Has University-Istanbul,
Exploring new journalistic platforms: experiences of Turkish journalist bloggers.
This paper examines how weblogs, as new platforms of journalism, contribute to the
transformation of professional journalism in theory and in practice. Drawing on the previous arguments that suggest the necessity of a reform and even a paradigm shift in journalism, this research focuses on a specific type of blog; those produced by the professional journalists outside media organizations. We look in particular at how journalist bloggers negotiate traditional norms of journalism such as objectivity or practices like gate-keeping with intrinsic characteristics of
the blog format such as subjectivity and audience participation.
Okumak ve pdf olarak indirmek için; http://online.journalism.utexas.edu/2010/papers/PinarPerrin10.pdf